Audition Information

General Information

TYPA auditions are easy and fun! Auditions are done on a first-come, first-serve basis, and are done in groups of two (bring a friend to audition with, if you want, but we will pair you with someone if you come by yourself). Individuals or groups that arrive first will audition first, so expect a wait if you arrive later. Auditions themselves rarely take more than 5 minutes per person.

Here is what you can expect of a typical TYPA audition:

  • First, we will get your name and take your picture, to make sure we match the right names to the right faces

  • Second, you and your partner will perform the given script excerpt for the audition board

    • For Junior Company auditions, script excerpts are shared in advance

    • For Senior Company auditions, script excerpts are shared the night of auditions

  • Third, you will individually perform your vocal piece for the audition board

    • For Junior Company auditions, vocal tracks, practice tracks, and script excerpts are shared in advance, and a non-vocal backup track will be played during your audition

    • For Senior Company auditions, prepare a 1-minute excerpt from a song of your choice to perform acapella

  • For Senior Company auditions, some short vocal exercises will be done to determine your vocal range.

Please note that some extenuating circumstances may not allow some people to audition in person. If you are unable to attend auditions in person, please call/text us at (209) 380-5507 , and we will discuss the possibility of video submission auditions instead.

After auditions are finished, we work hard to create a Callback list and post it promptly. If you are included on the list, you are invited to attend our Callback night later in the week, where we will do a number of dance and vocal exercises to help finalize our casting decisions.

Please note that auditioning or receiving a callback invitation does not guarantee a place in the final cast list.